May 31, 2023 | ,

May Property Management Update

As the Property Management team talked about in last month’s Barometer, it is really important that we are doing our best to understand client needs and for Celsius to evolve with those needs.

We recently wrote to our Landlords advising that we were undertaking a review of our inspection frequency process due to Celsius findings, which are:

  • Tenants are looking to stay in properties for longer terms as the availability of good quality rental properties is reduced.
  • Tenants are ensuring they pay their rent and invoices on time.
  • Tenants are maintaining and taking better care of rental properties as they want to do the right thing for the landlord so they will be considered favourably for a longer term tenancy.

Based on the above we asked our landlords if they were willing to consider reverting their tenant’s routine inspection frequency from quarterly to six monthly if they felt their tenants were suitable for the new arrangement.

An amazing 75% of respondents said they were happy for the inspection frequency to be changed if suitable for their property, which is a testament to our tenants.  This involved considering previous inspections to determine if the tenant was maintaining the property well with no concerns and entrusting the tenants to continue the great consistency moving forward. So far, the response from the Tenants has been overwhelmingly positive.

Having happy tenants in their living situation means they are more likely to want to stay long term which at the end of the day is a win win for all parties.

Whilst a property is a landlord’s asset, it is a tenant’s home and private sanctuary.  A happy tenant pays the rent on time, cares for the property and is more inclined to always communicate when repairs are required and typically welcome contractors to attend to the property.  A tenant knowing that they are valued is more likely to renew their lease on an ongoing basis, and minimising the access required to their space will make them more inclined.

With this in mind, it is prudent to remember that as per legislation in WA, we can have up to 4 inspections per year, so owners are welcome to adjust their inspection frequency anytime as they see fit.

At Celsius Property we are always looking to refine the way we conduct our business and the service we provide to our valued clients. We do this by identifying where we can improve through methodologies, tools, actions and activities that assist us to focus on different parts of the business.

The Property Management division is pro-active in always trying to find ways to provide positive outcomes to both Landlords and Tenants, ensuring flow on effects for all parties.  If you have any family or friends that could benefit from our experienced and knowledgeable team, please don’t hesitate to pass on our number 08 6144 0700 and we would be happy to discuss how we can look after their most valuable asset.


The Celsius Property Management Team.