Feb 28, 2022 |

Autumn Maintenance

With Summer sadly coming to an end in the coming days and Autumn fast approaching, what are we doing as owners and tenants to prepare for this weather change?

  1. Gutter Cleaning

Gutter cleaning is important as it prevents damage to the property. Keeping them debris free and clean extends the life span of both your roof and gutters. If not maintained, gutters can over flow and cause water damage.

  1. Roof Maintenance

Often when you have your gutters cleaned you can also have the contractor check your roof and tiles for any gaps or broken tiles that are hard to spot from the ground. If spotted early on it can prevent roof leaks caused but water and sunlight getting through the gaps.

  1. Air Conditioners

Air Conditioner filters should be checked once a month by the tenant and twice yearly by a professional to ensure all is operating as optimally as possible and anything that could be a problem is picked up early. It is recommended that they are checked before Autumn and Spring.

  1. Weed and Tree Control

Autumn is a great time to get ahead with controlling your gardens while it is not as hot and before the rain can make it harder to do the job. This is great time to trim back any trees/bushes and get rid of those tough weeds. Trimming when it is cooler also prevents the spread of insects and disease.

  1. Watering Days

Below we have provided your watering days depending on where you live. This is good information to know so we can save water but still make sure our gardens are being kept healthy.

Warm Regards,

Michayla Butler