Apr 28, 2023 | , ,

Here at Celsius we aim to foster positive relationships with our owners and tenants.

As Property Managers, it is important we are doing the best we can in regard to understanding the client and their needs. The relationship between a tenant and an owner greatly relies on how we go about our daily work.

I enjoy visiting our tenants at their routine inspections, having a discussion about the property and how they are going. Many times I have had the wonderful opportunities to meet a tenants new pet or a newborn baby, and these are special times to share in during the tenancy. Often you are also there during the harder times, and this is where it is vital to have empathy and be a Property Manager that your tenant feels they can reach out to if they are having any personal or financial struggles that may affect their tenancy. These can be issues such as rent arrears, a break-up and subsequent lease variation or a situation where a tenant may need to suddenly break lease. We want tenants to feel the door is open for communication and that we are here to work with them in all times good and bad.

If a tenant feels valued by their Property Manager, they are more likely to give that same respect back to the agent and the property, which allows for a more harmonious tenancy. One of the most important ways this benefits the owner is that it encourages the long-term retention of good tenants. Here at Celsius we have some very long tenancies, with some being even longer than 10 years! We have also had prior tenants contact us down the line, and say they are now property owners and would like us to manage their investment, which is reflective on the positive experience they had as tenants with us.

We are also lucky to have owners who have been with Celsius long term, with many owners first joining Celsius over a decade ago. We value long standing relationships and strive to do the best by our owners, hoping to retain the management long term. We are looking after what is likely their largest investment and therefore we strive to do the best we can. Ultimately, we hope to provide owners with a sense of security and ease – that their property is safe within our hands.

Many of our valued clients have joined Celsius after hearing great things from a family member or friend who is an existing client. Others have been on the search for a good local agent, walking past our office or looking online for reputable agencies. Whilst Celsius is a smaller agency, we have one of the best ratings for an agency in Victoria park which is an achievement we are proud of. It is these reviews that accumulate over time and really help Celsius with new business development. If you have a positive experience to share, we encourage you to show your support by leaving us a Google review!

Our team appreciates the support we get from our clients. As many of you know, we are a small and tight knit team at Celsius. This means we are able to provide a level of service that is much more personalised for our owners and tenants through their property journey. Many of our staff have been with our agency for over 10 years, and this longevity is a reflection of the fantastic company culture we share at Celsius.

If you have a friend or family member who needs a Property Manager, feel free to reach out to our PM team! We would love the opportunity to meet with you, discussing your investment property and providing a rental appraisal for your consideration. It is also a great chance for the Property Manager to see the property and introduce themselves in person.

Feel free to contact our office anytime on 6144 0700 for a discussion on how our PM team can help you.


The Celsius Property Management Team.